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单位:中国美术学院     作者:吴玉婷     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-25

摘 要:文章以体验设计为基础,围绕“体验设计是将消费者的参与融入设计中”的观点展开论述,试图对这个疑问进行深入探讨。在人与物的关系中,使用者的必要性是值得深究的课题,文章在从用户体验设计的概念开始论述,分析家具设计要素与体验设计关系,希望能通过作者的实践,唤起观者的共鸣。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the experience design, here we mainly discussed the issue about whether the participation of consumers should be taken into consideration during the process of design. In this regard, it is worth to deeply investigate the significance of users relevant to the production. Entirely, the concept of experience design is introduced at the beginning of the article, and then we described the analysis of relationship between elements of furniture design and experience design, in order to arouse identification from readers.

Key Words:furniture design; experience design; users experience