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单位:天津美术学院     作者:李维立 王婧     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-25

摘 要:婴儿时期是人一生中发展的黄金时期,让婴儿健康快乐的成长已经成为当今婴儿养育的主题,关注婴儿的成长发展,用优良的产品设计来辅助婴儿的成长发展,是当代设计师迫切要解决的问题。本文通过对婴儿成长的需要、夫妻权责问题日益显著、离婚率上升等突出矛盾进行了分析。指明了当下婴幼儿智能产品的局限和未来智能婴幼儿产品发展的方向,提出了产品不仅是产品本身,而是一个家庭的沟通媒介。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Infancy is the golden period of the development of a person's life, so that the baby's healthy and happy growth has become the topic of infant rearing today, concerned about the growth and development of infants, with excellent product design to assist the growth and development of infants, is an urgent problem for contemporary designers to solve. This paper analyzes the needs of infant growth, the increasing prominence of marital power and responsibility, and the rising divorce rate. This paper points out the limitation of infant intelligent Products and the direction of future development of intelligent infant products, and puts forward that the product is not only the product itself, but also the communication medium of a family.

Key Words:baby products; intelligence; sharing design