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单位:哈尔滨工业大...     作者:王松华 王查理 林姿彤     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-25

摘 要:中国的传统民间艺术作为人们创造力的见证,很多传统手工技艺正濒临着失传、断代和消失的危险。黑龙江省作为拥有众多北方少数民族的边疆大省,创造出了灿烂丰富的民间美术工艺品和民间文化。当前,在多数高校内的校园文化创意产品的研发及建设几近空白。本文以独创新颖的角度,以校园文化创意产品的开发与建设为载体传承黑龙江传统民间艺术,其最终形成的文化价值、纪念价值、艺术价值、实用价值、欣赏价值、收藏价值起到保护和传承传统民间艺术的作用。传统民间艺术是中华民族的文化基因和文化命脉,保护传统民间艺术,更是激发民族文化创造力、提升国家软实力的重要内容。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Traditional Chinese folk art as a witness to the people's creativity, many traditional craftsmanship is close to the lost, cohort and in danger of disappearing.As have many northern minorities in Heilongjiang province frontier province, create the brilliant rich folk arts and crafts and folk culture.At present, in most of the colleges and universities campus culture creative product research and development and the construction is almost blank.Based on the Angle of the original novel, creative product development and construction as the carrier of campus culture heritage in Heilongjiang province traditional folk art, the final formation of the culture value and commemorative value, artistic value, practical value and appreciation value and collection value plays a role of protection and inheritance of traditional folk art.On the route of transmission of traditional folk art culture, cognitive approach to innovation, and is, in fact, in the protection and to maintain our national cultural identity, protect national spirit home.The traditional folk art is the cultural gene and lifeblood of the Chinese nation, to protect the traditional folk art, is the national culture, enhance creativity is an important content of national soft power.

Key Words:Traditional folk art; Campus culture; Creative products