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单位:广东粤电中山...     作者:陈达文     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-26

摘 要:随着现代科学技术的蓬勃发展,火力发电厂的各项生产技术也逐渐趋成熟。科技化、节能化、绿色化和高效性的新科学技术是现代电力企业的发展方向。高压变频器在火力发电厂的使用经过多年的发展实践,取得了很大的经济效益,过程中也积累了较多的经验,日渐趋向成熟,但高压变频器在火力发电厂的使用属于高技术设备,国内的生产管理条件还存在很多安全隐患。本文从高压变频器的自身缺陷、设备运行环境和设备控制系统等几方面阐述高压变频器在火力发电厂运行中常出现的问题,并进行分析,给出一些改进建议。


中图分类号:TN773 文献标识码:A


Abstract:with the vigorous development of modern science and technology, the production technology of thermal power plant is gradually maturing. Green and efficient new science and technology is the development direction of modern power enterprises. The use of high voltage inverter in thermal power plants has achieved great economic benefits after many years of development practice. In the process also accumulated a lot of experience, gradually tend to mature, but the use of high-voltage inverter in thermal power plants belongs to high-tech equipment. There are still many hidden dangers in the domestic production management conditions. This paper expounds the defects of the high voltage frequency converter, the equipment operating environment and the equipment control system, etc.The problems often appear in the operation of high voltage inverter in thermal power plant are analyzed, and some suggestions for improvement are given.

Key Words:high voltage converter; thermal power generation; operation problem; frequency conversion transformation