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单位:石河子市天富...     作者:郑华     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-26

摘 要:近些年以来,城乡各地都在着手修建规模较大的电网,而与之相应的输电线路也在迅速实现延伸。然而实质上,电网内部含有交错性的复杂线路,对此如果不慎予以维护那么将会表现为多样化的输电事故。在情况严重时,某些线路事故还可能伤害到最根本的人身安全。针对不同类型的输电线路来讲,与之密切相关的故障成因以及故障分布形态也体现为差异性,对此有必要致力于深入探究。因此可见,探求电网线路涉及到的各类故障根源,此项举措在客观上有助于优化当前现有的检修模式,确保结合整体上的线路分布状态来执行特定的线路故障排查操作。


中图分类号:U665.12 文献标识码:A


Abstract:in recent years, urban and rural in everywhere start building large power grid, and the corresponding transmission line are rapidly realize extension. However, in essence, grid contains of alternating complex circuit, if taken in this defending so will show the diversity transmission accidents. In severe cases, some lines may also hurt the fundamental safety accident. In view of the different types of transmission lines, closely related to the failure causes and failure distribution pattern is also embodied in difference, it is necessary to delve into this. So visible, a fault line involves all kinds of roots, the measure objectively helps to optimize the existing mode of maintenance, to ensure that the combination of whole line distribution state to perform a specific line troubleshooting operations.

Key Words:power grid transmission line; Analysis of the cause of the problem; Distribution state