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基于情感映射的动漫形象价值观诉求分析——以LINE FRIENDS为例

单位:西华大学     作者:孟颖 吴敬薇 周睿     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-26

摘 要:“LINE FRIENDS”系列产品的深入人心,离不开其扁平化形象所呈现的简单生动和营销策略的成功。本文以LINE FRIENDS为例,从情感化设计入手分析动漫形象的主要特征所折射的性格特点,和在视觉符号与触觉符号的共同作用下给用户留下的深刻记忆,得出动漫形象情感化会让这一形象更深入人心,引发共鸣。


中图分类号:J218.7 文献标识码:A


Abstract:"LINE FRIENDS" series of products of thorough popular feeling, cannot leave the flat image shows simple and vivid and the success of the marketing strategy.In this article, LINE friend is taken as an example, from emotion design to analyze that character of character of cartoon image's main characteristics, and to the deep memory of the user by the joint action of visual symbols and tactile symbols, it is conclude that the image emotion of the cartoon image is more deeply rooted and resonated.

Key Words:animation image; flat; emotional design; color psychology; values