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单位:江苏工程职业...     作者:蔡云     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-01-26

摘 要:移动互联网平台的广泛使用为文化产业传播和建设创造了有利的条件,更好地促进了文化产业的发展。目前,国内外学者专家就移动互联网平台以及工艺美术品相关内容进行了广泛的研究,但是他们的研究方向主要集中在移动互联网平台特点、内容、建设、问题与对策方面,以及工艺美术品的设计等方面,而没有人将移动互联网平台与工艺美术品的设计与传播结合起来,为本论文的选题提供了一个创新的思路。再者,南通民间艺人众多、民间工艺发达,工艺美术品文化底蕴深厚,在国内外都受到了一致好评,刺绣、 扎染、红木雕刻、手工丝毯等得到了声誉,工艺美术行业迅速发展。新形势下南通地区工艺美术品的传播速度逐渐呈现缓慢发展的状态,这与移动互联网迅速发展有着极深的关系,互联网行业快速发展对工艺美术品传统传播方式造成了严重的冲击。因此,本文将从南通地区工艺美术品的介绍出发,围绕南通地区工艺美术品的设计方式深入研究和分析了基于移动互联网平台的南通工艺美术品的传播路径,要充分把握移动互联网的特点与工艺美术品传播的需要,构建个性化的、凸现南通地区文化特色的移动互联网传播平台、服务平台、营销平台,为促进南通地区的工艺美术品的设计和传播奠定良好的基础。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the wide use of the mobile Internet platform has created favorable conditions for the dissemination and construction of the cultural industry and promoted the development of the cultural industry. At present, domestic and foreign experts and scholars on the mobile Internet platform and crafts related content have been extensively studied, but their research is mainly concentrated in the mobile Internet platform features, content, construction, problems and countermeasures, and arts and crafts design, no design and communication will be the mobile Internet platform with the combination of Arts and crafts, provides a new idea for the topic of this paper. Furthermore, many Nantong folk artists, folk arts and crafts developed, rich cultural heritage, both at home and abroad by the praise, embroidery, dyeing, rosewood carving, silk carpets are reputation, arts and crafts industry rapid development. Under the new situation, the propagation speed of Arts and crafts in Nantong has been developing slowly. This is deeply related to the rapid development of mobile Internet. The rapid development of the Internet industry has caused a serious impact on the traditional way of transmission of Arts and crafts. Therefore, this paper from the perspective of Nantong arts and crafts, design around the Nantong Area Arts and crafts of the in-depth study and analysis of the propagation path of the mobile Internet platform based on the Nantong arts and crafts, to fully grasp the characteristics of the mobile Internet and crafts communication needs, build personalized and highlighting the culture of Nantong region the characteristics of the mobile Internet communication platform, service platform and marketing platform, lay a good foundation for the promotion of design and communication in Nantong arts and crafts.

Key Words:mobile; Internet; platform; Nantong; arts and crafts; design methods; communication; path