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单位:四川省宜宾普...     作者:刁厚昌 郭伟东 王传龙     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:白酒塑胶包装作为商品的第一道安全防护,其防伪标识能直观地展示包装是否被破坏,进而给以消费者安全放心购买的心理需求,因此,包装盒的结构显得尤为重要。本文着重探讨了塑胶酒包装的旋转结构防伪设计思路,通过对包装结构防伪及人机工程学等方面进行设计研究,力求探索一种全新的旋转开启防伪结构,不断满足人们个性化、多样化的消费诉求及消费体验。


中图分类号:ts261 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Liquor plastic packaging as the first safety protection of goods, its anti-counterfeiting logo can visually show whether the packaging is destroyed, and then to consumers safe and secure to buy the psychological needs, therefore, the structure of the box is particularly important. This paper focuses on the plastic wine packaging rotating structure anti-counterfeiting design ideas, through the packaging structure anti-counterfeiting and ergonomics and other aspects of the design research, and strive to explore a new rotating open anti-counterfeiting structure, and constantly meet people's personalized, diversified consumption demands and consumption experience.

Key Words:White liquor plastic packaging; rotating design; structural anti-counterfeiting; man-machine engineering