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单位:湖南科技大学      作者:郑先觉 孙兰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:德化瓷塑胎质细腻,透光性好,在技法上,吸取传统木雕、泥雕的长处,融木雕、泥雕、瓷雕技艺于一体。在政治、经济和多元文化的影响下,其独特的材质与造型表现出清雅恬静,温柔细腻、自然洒脱的艺术魅力,而传承与推广瓷塑技艺非物质文化的最好方式就是发展德化瓷塑产业。


中图分类号:J527 文献标识码:A


Abstract:dehua porcelain is delicate and transparent. In terms of techniques, it absorbs the advantages of traditional wood carving and clay carving, and integrates wood carving, clay carving and porcelain carving. Under the influence of politics, economy and multi-culture, its unique material and shape show the artistic charm of elegant and quiet, gentle and delicate, natural and free. The best way to inherit and popularize the intangible culture of porcelain and plastic arts is to develop the porcelain and plastic industry of dehua.

Key Words:Intangible cultural heritage; dehua porcelain model; Inheritance and protection