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单位:西安建筑科技...     作者:黄缨 姚梦琪      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:中国龙文化具有几千年的历史,在不同的领域都有其应用,本文从中国龙文化语境以及龙文化如何在景观雕塑中的应用进行研究。将中国龙文化融入到景观雕塑设计中,并不是单纯地照搬和推崇,而是希望通过研究,使得中国龙文化的内涵更加丰富,龙文化得以传承和创新,希望对中国传统文化的传承和发展具有一定的借鉴作用。


中图分类号:TS932 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Chinese dragon culture has thousands of years of history and its application in different fields. This paper studies the cultural context of Chinese dragon and how dragon culture is applied in landscape sculpture, and integrates Chinese dragon culture into landscape sculpture design. It is not simply copying and admiring, but hopes that through research, the connotation of Chinese dragon culture will be more abundant, and the dragon culture can be passed down and innovated, hoping to have a certain reference for the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional culture.

Key Words: Chinese dragon culture; landscape sculpture; Cultural context; application