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单位:福建农林大学...     作者:黄歆      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:随着经济全球化发展,科技高速向前迈进,技术壁垒开始逐渐消失,产品同质化严重,市场形态从卖方市场向买方市场转变,企业能否为用户提供有价值的差异化产品变得至关重要。尽管获得竞争力是产品差异化的目的,但满足不同用户的需求才是它的根本价值。本文以用户需求为导向,结合营销学理论对产品差异化设计标准的转变进行研究,,旨在使企业获得竞争力的同时能够满足日趋多样化、异质性的用户需求,避免营销学仅从竞争出发使产品差异化理论泛化。


中图分类号:J02 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of economic globalization and the rapid development of science and technology, the technical barriers begin to disappear gradually, the homogeneity of products is serious, the market form changes from the seller's market to the buyer's market, and whether the enterprise can provide valuable differentiated products for users becomes very important. Although obtaining competitiveness is the purpose of product differentiation, meeting the needs of different users is its fundamental value. This paper studies the transformation of product differentiation design standard based on the user demand and marketing theory, aiming to make the enterprise obtain competitiveness and meet the increasingly diversified and heterogeneous user demand, and avoid the generalization of product differentiation theory based on the competition.

Key Words:User requirements; product differentiation; design standards