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单位:浙江财经大学...     作者:王蓉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:科学技术和信息技术的发展一定程度上改变了人和手机的交互方式,与之而来的手机界面层出不穷。本文探讨的是基于用户体验的手机界面,其研究现状/发展趋势,以及如何更好的理解以用户为中心的设计方法和主题,将之体现在手机界面上,并从用户体验设计的角度出发,对改进手机界面的思路提供参考。


中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the development of science and technology and information technology has changed the way people interact with mobile phones to some extent, and the mobile phone interfaces that come with it emerge in endlessly. This paper discusses the mobile phone interface based on user experience, its research status and development trend, as well as how to better understand the user-centered design methods and themes, which will be reflected in the mobile phone interface, and from the perspective of User experience design, to reference opinions for improving the mobile phone interface.

Key Words:User experience; mobile phone interface design; UX design; Interaction