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单位:广东理工学院     作者:王秋菊 蒙子伟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:改革开放以来,中国城镇化快速发展,中国正从一个以农业人口为主的国家向城镇人口为主的转变,快速城镇化使得我国出现传统土地资源等问题,城乡一体化策略随之展开,农村开始进行大规模建设。但是随着城镇化的发展,传统村落的文化、空间结构与建筑正逐渐消失,本文以仁化恩村为例,针对目前的现状,提出快速城镇化背景下传统村落的保护与传承的策略,希望对其他传统村落的保护和传承提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TU982 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Since the reform and opening up, China's urbanization has developed rapidly. China is transforming from a country dominated by agricultural population to a country dominated by urban population. Rapid urbanization has caused problems such as traditional land resources in China. However, with the development of urbanization, the culture, spatial structure and architecture of traditional villages are gradually disappearing. Taking renhua 'en village as an example, this paper proposes strategies for the protection and inheritance of traditional villages under the background of rapid urbanization, hoping to provide some reference for the protection and inheritance of other traditional villages.

Key Words:rapid urbanization; Traditional villages; Protection; inheritance; Ren hua en village