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单位:福建农林大学...     作者:宋国樑 赖彩琉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:当前城市发展中普遍面临着历史文化街区的保护发展问题。本文以整体保护和有机更新理论为基础,从历史文化、科学价值、经济价值的角度分析保护上下杭历史文化街区的重要性,从城市规划建设的角度切入,在保护历史文脉的前提下寻求地域文化与经济发展的结合点,探讨福州上下杭历史文化街区的整体保护策略和有机更新策略。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The current development of urban development is generally faced with the protection and development of historical and cultural blocks. Based on the theory of overall protection and organic renewal, this paper analyzes the importance of protecting the historical and cultural blocks of Shanghang from the perspective of historical culture, scientific value and economic value. From the perspective of urban planning and construction, it seeks on the premise of protecting historical context. The combination of regional culture and economic development explores the overall protection strategy and organic renewal strategy of Fuzhou Shanghang historical and cultural district.

Key Words:Fuzhou Shanghang; historical and cultural blocks; overall protection; organic renewal