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单位:常熟理工学院     作者:王天赋 马建梅     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:工业遗产保护及再利用是城市革新进程中的重要议题,公园是更新类型之一。梳理都市工业遗产转型公园的发展概况,进而选取巴黎拉维莱特公园、巴黎雪铁龙公园、德国北杜伊斯堡公园和中山歧江公园四个典型案例。从景观组织与规划层面、工业建筑及设施的保护与再利用、基于价值关联与历史层积的公共空间塑造、生态修复四个层面,分析论证都市工业遗产转型公园的适应性方法。以期为后工业景观视野下的我国都市工业遗产转型公园实践提供参考和借鉴。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The protection and reuse of industrial heritage is an important issue in the process of urban innovation, and parks are one of regeneration types. Combining the development of urban industrial heritage transformation parks, we select four typical cases of La Villette Park in Paris, Citroen Park in Paris, North Duisburg Park in Germany and Qi Jiang Park in Zhongshan province. The adaptive strategies of urban industrial heritage transformation parks are analyzed and demonstrated, from the perspectives of landscape organization and planning, protection and reuse of industrial buildings and facilities, public space modeling based on value interrelationship and historical layering, and ecological restoration. In order to provide reference for the practice of urban industrial heritage transformation park in the view of post-industrial landscape.

Key Words:Urban industrial heritage; park; adaptive strategy; post-industrial landscape