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单位:东北电力大学      作者:陶瑞峰 白佳怡     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:科技的发展,为人们的工作模式提供了更多的可能。人们开始了对如何增加工作效率、如何提高空间使用的合理性等各种人性化议题的探究,并初见成效。本文首先对办公空间基本概念进行了初步概述,继而对SOHO、联合办公、移动办公这三种新兴办公模式进行阐述,同时对开放性与独立性相结合、亲近自然、与运动娱乐相结合的办公空间内部设计新概念进行了详细阐述。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The development of science and technology provides more possibilities for people's work patterns. As people's have begun to explore various humanized issues such as how to increase work efficiency and how to improve the rationality of space use, and have achieved initial results. This paper first gives a preliminary overview of the basic concepts related to office space, and then elaborates on the three emerging office models of SOHO, co-working, and mobile office. At the same time, it combines openness and independence, close to nature, and sports and entertainment. The new concept of interior design of the office space was elaborated.

Key Words:modern; office space; office space design; new trend