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单位:山西农业大学...     作者:赵竹青     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:在时尚发展如此迅速的当下,解构主义作为一种新的思维方式与创造手法,在服装设计中占领着越来越重要的地位。解构主义是在建筑界最先开始运用的,直到后来才慢慢引用在服装设计上,这让服装有了新的表达,不再是局限于传统的结构设计当中,它的运用扩展了设计师的设计思维,进而产生了多元化的服装款式。本文将解构主义在服装设计中的运用作为开端展开研究,在了解了解构主义的诞生和发展后,分析解构主义的表现手法,梳理其在服装款式、面料、色彩设计中的运用呈现。

关键词: 解构主义;服装设计;运用

中图分类号:JS941 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At a time when fashion is developing so rapidly, deconstruction, as a new way of thinking and creation, has occupied an increasingly important position in fashion design. Deconstruction was first used in the construction industry, and it was only later introduced in the design of clothing. This made the clothing have a new expression, no longer limited to the traditional structural design, its use extended the designer. The design thinking has resulted in a variety of clothing styles. This paper takes the application of deconstruction in fashion design as the beginning of research. After understanding the birth and development of deconstructionism, it analyzes the deconstructive expression technique and combs its application in clothing style, fabric and color design.

Key Words:Deconstruction; fashion design; use