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单位:淮阴工学院设...     作者:顾炎辉      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-23

摘 要:本文针对我国工业设计专业高等教育与企业与市场需求脱节的问题,立足地方性应用型人才培养理念,基于十几年的双师型创新工作室实践教学与研究,提出适合设计类专业的工作室实训教育模式。在借鉴德国包豪斯设计学院工作室教学经验的基础上,将工作室实训与实践教育体系有机整合,借助合作企业科研团队共建导师队伍,形成可持续发展的三段式工作室教育模式。在工作室业绩考核方面,探索了一套针对工作室导师、企业导师以及学生培养质量的考核办法,保证工作室教学质量。本文立足于地方性本科院校工业设计专业的特点,尝试探讨以双师制为特色的工作室教学模式在专业教育中的作用。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In view of the disconnection between higher education of industrial design specialty and market demand in China, this paper puts forward a practical education model suitable for design specialty based on the concept of training local applied talents and the practice teaching and research of double-qualified innovative studios for more than ten years. On the basis of learning from the teaching experience of the studio of Bauhaus Design Institute in Germany, this paper organically integrates the studio practical training and practical education system, builds up a team of tutors with the help of scientific research teams of cooperative enterprises, and forms a sustainable three-stage studio education model. In the performance appraisal of the studio, a set of appraisal methods aiming at the training quality of studio tutors, enterprise tutors and students are explored to ensure the teaching quality of the studio. Based on the characteristics of industrial design specialty in local undergraduate colleges, this paper attempts to explore the role of studio teaching mode featuring double-division system in professional education.

Key Words:Industrial design major; The studio; Innovation; Education reform