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单位:北方工业大学      作者:李娟 李敏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-23

摘 要:为减少可循环利用资源的浪费,本文研究中药药渣堆肥再利用的方式,选择相关堆肥产品进行实验,分析产品存在的主要问题。基于产品设计中的可持续设计方法和现有产品的使用体验,对中药药渣堆肥产品从设计方法方面提出合理的产品改进方案,设计上符合可持续设计理念对产品设计的指导,将可持续设计作为立足点,在可循环资源回收再利用方面,从设计的角度减少资源损耗。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:It aims to reduce the waste of recyclable resources. the article studies the recycling method of compost of Chinese medicine residue. we select related compost product to analyze the main problems. Based on the sustainable design methods in product design and the user experience of existing products, we put forward reasonable plan to improve compost product from the aspect of design methods. The design conforms to the guidance of sustainable design concept for product design. Taking sustainable design as a foothold, in terms of recycling and reusing of recyclable resources, we can reduce resource consumption from the perspective of design.

Key Words:Chinese medicine residue; sustainable concept; product design