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单位:1.上海商学院 ...     作者:宿子顺1.2 邹巧玲3 程建新2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-25

摘 要:体验设计将移动互联网电子商务信息产品设计与品牌传播有机地进行结合,在信息产品设计与市场化的过程中需注重用户需求与品牌传播的内在联系。体验设计的价值在于促使设计师与用户角色的互相融通、结合商业模式与社群分享机制、提升服务体验与品牌价值。探索体验设计为核心的信息产品设计范式,在移动互联网中能实现品牌传播的精准营销、促进消费升级,具有积极地作用。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Experience design combines mobile internet e-commerce information product design and brand communication organically. In the process of information product design and marketization, it is necessary to pay attention to the internal relationship between users’ requirements and brand communication. The value of experience design should promote the integration of designers and user roles, combine business models and community sharing mechanisms, and enhance service experience and brand value. Exploring experience design as the core information product design paradigm, can achieve accurate marketing of brand communication, promote consumption upgrades with a positive effect in the mobile Internet.

Key Words:Experience design; E-commerce; Information product design; brand communication