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单位:东北石油大学     作者:阚凤岩 郭慧芳 赵嘉鑫     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-25

摘 要:从服务设计角度出发分析在职中青年由于压力产生的情绪、心理、身体等问题。针对这一现状和当今旅游业繁荣发展,试图打造以旅游资源与当地历史文化相结合的历史文化主题民宿旅游设计,使旅居者在旅居过程中的历史文化及社交体验、民宿的使用价值同时得到满足。推动当地旅游事业与经济发展的同时助力历史文化的传承与创新。


中图分类号:TU247 文献标识码:A


Abstract:From the point of view of service design, this paper analyses the emotional, psychological and physical problems of young and middle-aged people in service caused by stress. In view of the present situation and the prosperity and development of tourism industry, this paper attempts to create a historical and cultural theme of residential tourism service design, which combines tourism resources with local history and culture, so as to make the historical and cultural experience and social experience of the residents in the process of residence and the value of the use of residential accommodation the same. When satisfied. Promoting the local tourism and economic development at the same time helps to inherit and innovate the history and culture.

Key Words:Service design; History and culture; Residence; Tourism