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单位:南京航空航天...     作者:邹易     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-25

摘 要:民间艺术是我国历代祖先智慧与心血的结晶,历经时代的长河,在不同社会中彰显着不同的底色。面对当前日新月异的社会,文化创意产业异军突起,使得我国民间艺术的发展举步维艰,面临着重重考验与挑战。民间艺术若想行将致远必须要转型升级,探索新的出路。为了进一步传承民间艺术文化,发扬我国民族文化的有益元素,彰显我国民族特色,本文针对文化创意产业背景下民间艺术的新出路进行深入讨论,希望能够挖掘民间艺术的内在活力,促进民间艺术的长远发展。


中图分类号:J528 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Folk art is the crystallization of the wisdom and blood of our ancestors in the past dynasties. It has gone through a long period of time and has shown different background in different societies. Faced with the rapid development of the society, the emergence of cultural and creative industries makes the development of Chinese folk art difficult and faces many challenges. If folk art wants to go far, it must be transformed and upgraded to explore a new way out. In order to further inherit folk art culture, carry forward the beneficial elements of our national culture and highlight our national characteristics, this paper discusses the new way out of folk art under the background of cultural and creative industries, hoping to tap the internal vitality of folk art and promote the long-term development of folk art.

Key Words:folk art; cultural and creative industries; new way out