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单位:太原理工大学...     作者:王秀秀     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-25

摘 要:晋中富商修筑堡寨的原因,主要是咸丰初年太平军北上,地主豪绅的土地财物均被没收,晋商的财产遭受了巨大的损失。因此,晋商对财物的忧患意识加强,为了降低风险不惜重金修筑了大量的堡寨。晋商堡寨从选址到修建的尺度及其牢固度,都体现了极强的防御性能。本文主要围绕晋中地区明清时期的民用堡寨的选址及规模、建筑空间特征、空间结构等内容来对其建筑空间形态进行针对性的分析,从而阐明晋商堡寨建筑存在的意义及价值。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The reason for Jin Merchants built fortresses is that in the early years of Xianfeng, the Taiping army went to the north, the land and property of the landlord were confiscated, leading to Jin Merchants suffered huge losses. Therefore, Shanxi Merchants strengthened their sense of financial distress and built a large number of fortresses to reduce the risk. From site selection to the scale and firmness of construction, it was shown that the fortress of Shanxi merchants having strong defensive performance. In this paper, the author analyzed the spatial location, the spatial structure and the components of the space of the representative buildings in Ming and Qing Dynasties in this area, to clarify the significance and value of the existence of the buildings of the fort village of the Jin Merchants.

Key Words:Jin merchants; fortress; architectural space