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单位:南京理工大学     作者:陈旭     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:随着现代社会信息技术发展和人们对于文化建设的高度重视,各大博物馆将教育职能作为其重要职能之一。博物馆教育应该充分发挥其优秀文化传承方面及跨文化交流的作用,然而现行的教育系统设计、开发与应用实践存在教育性与娱乐性各行其道,以及生搬硬套的问题。本文基于情境学习理论与方法,构建出基于情境学习以及理论的博物馆儿童教育应用设计模型。希望为国内博物馆儿童教育应用设计与开发模式研究提供一种设计角度,一个实践方向。


中图分类号:G62 文献标识码:A


Abstract: With the development of information technology in modern society and people attach great importance to cultural construction, major museums regard education function as one of their important functions. Museum education should give full play to its excellent cultural heritage and cross-cultural communication. However, the current education system design, development and application practice have various problems of education and entertainment. Based on the concepts and methods of the contextual learning theory, this article builds a model for children's educational application design based on contextual learning and theory. It is hoped to provide a design perspective and a practical direction for the research and development of children's education in China.

Key Words:Constitutional learning; Museum education; Child education; Application design