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“国潮” 背景下的产品设计研究

单位:南昌航空大学     作者:雒飞阳,蔡克中     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:在“中国智造”和“文化自信”的国内消费环境下,潮牌已经从小众略知成为国货发展新方向。本文从“国潮”的发展历程出发,讨论在此背景下的现代产品的设计理念,探寻其中的视觉元素以及形态组合的设计标准,通过对一部分现代产品的设计风格、设计表现和元素应用等方面的分析,思考国潮产品未来的发展方向。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Under the domestic consumption environment of "China's Intelligent Manufacturing" and "Cultural Confidence", Chaobai has become a new direction for the development of domestic goods from a small number of people. Starting from Li Ning's fashion week in China, RIO Flower Dew Cocktail has become a pop, and the Palace Museum make-up has become the biggest color eggs at the end of the year. Chinese products have set off a "new national trend" at home and abroad because of their unique Chinese taste. Starting from the development process of modern product design represented by "Guochao", this paper explores the design criteria of visual elements and form combination. Through the analysis of design style, design performance and element application of some modern products, this paper considers the future development direction of Guochao products. 

Key Words:National tide; Design style; Modern productl; Development direction