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单位:西北工业大学     作者:王新乔     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:企业新产品的开发作为企业经营的源头,对企业有着至关重要的影响,要想新产品能得到用户的认可,并成功上市,只有企业设计师的参与是远远不够的,还需要用户参与到企业新产品的开发当中,以用户需求作为出发点开发出的产品才能成为成功的产品设计。本文通过阐述用户参与在企业新产品开发中的意义及用户参与企业新产品开发方法的探讨,希望对企业新产品开发设计提供新的方向。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract: Enterprises the development of new products as the source of enterprise management, has a crucial influence to the enterprise, to the new product can get the user's recognition, successful listing, only the enterprise the designer's participation is not enough, also need the user to participate in the enterprise of the development of new products, to user needs as the starting point to develop products to become a successful product design. This paper discusses the necessity of user participation in enterprise new product development and the mode of user participation in enterprise new product development, hoping to provide a new direction for enterprise new product development and design.

Key Words:user participation; New products of the enterprise; Development