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单位:1.惠州学院美...     作者:聂瑛12,李万连1     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:近些年乡村旅游在国家“乡村振兴”大战略背景中快速的发展起来。民宿作为乡村旅游的一种特殊体验产品,为旅游者提供真实的乡土文化生活体验。民宿是地域文化的载体,它承载着这片土地的文化积淀。本文以罗浮山徐田村度假民宿设计为例进行研究,以“乡愁”为主题营造具有地方特色和时代面貌的度假民俗。设计上保留原有建筑的基本格局让人们更好的体验古建筑的历史文化,同时融入现代手法和元素令其贴近现代人的生活,希望对民宿设计有一定的借鉴作用。


中图分类号:TU247 文献标识码:A


Abstract:in recent years, rural tourism has developed rapidly in the background of the national strategy of "Rural Revitalization". As a special experience product of rural tourism, homestay provides tourists with real life experience of local culture. Homestay is the carrier of regional culture, which carries the cultural accumulation of this land. This paper takes Xutian village of Luofu Mountain as an example to study, and takes "homesickness" as the theme to build a holiday home stay with local characteristics and the face of the times. The design is to keep the basic pattern of the original architecture so that people can better experience the history and culture of the ancient architecture, and integrate modern techniques and elements to make it close to the life of modern people. Hope to have certain reference to the design of home stay. 

Key Words:Rural revitalization; Holiday home stay; Renovation design; Xutian village, luofu mountain