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单位:扬州工业职业...     作者:李云杰,产婵,吴静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:在新城市的建设中,如何协调自然环境、空间文化、城市发展之间的关系,是建设者高度关注的问题。如今,各个地区都在寻找生态环境、城市发展的和谐道路,也因此出现了多元化的城市建设模式。本文以扬州园林作为切入点,分析了扬州园林的概念和特点,以此探讨扬州园林空间特征在新城市建设中的渗透和应用。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Under the construction of new cities, how to coordinate the relationship between natural environment, cultural space and urban development is a matter of great concern to constructers. Nowadays, the ecological environment and harmony of urban development are explored all over the regions. On the development road, a diversified model of urban construction has emerged. In the present works, Yangzhou garden is taken as the entry point and the concept and characteristics of Yangzhou garden are analyzed in order to investigate the application of Yangzhou garden characteristics space during the construction of new city.

Key Words:Yangzhou garden; Spatial characteristics; New city construction; application