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单位:西南交通大学     作者:王照     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:九寨沟景区藏族民居在当地特殊的地理气候、地域文化的长期影响下,逐渐形成了独特的建筑文化,具有强烈的地域特色。本文选取了树正寨、则扎洼寨、盘亚寨、荷叶寨的部分典型民居作为研究对象,通过实地调研与测绘,从村寨选址与布局,民居形式与结构、功能与空间等方面揭示藏族民居的演变过程,探究其发展趋势。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Under the long-term influence of the local special geographical climate, regional culture, Tibetan houses in Jiuzhaigou scenic area have gradually formed a unique architectural culture with strong regional characteristics. The author chooses some typical dwellings of Shuzheng village, zezawa village, Panya village and Heye village as the research object. Through field investigation and mapping, the author reveals the evolution process of Tibetan dwellings from the aspects of village location and layout, form and structure, function and space of dwellings, and explores its development trend.

Key Words:Jiuzhaigou scenic spot; Tibetan village; Tibetan dwellings; Study of evolution