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单位:太原理工大学...     作者:胡欣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-17

摘 要:中国庞大的网络人口为互联网大数据提供了有效支撑,海量数据能够有效提升人工智能的算法准确性。艺术设计是人工智能关注的重点方向,围绕人工智能在艺术设计领域的应用展开分析能够帮助我们更加准确地把握人工智能的发展方向。本次研究从人工智能概念入手,明确人工智能在艺术设计中的应用价值,探索人工智能在艺术设计中的具体应用并对未来发展前景进行展望。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:China's huge network population provides effective support for Internet big data. Massive data can effectively improve the accuracy of artificial intelligence algorithms. Art design is the focus of artificial intelligence. Analyzing the application of artificial intelligence in the field of art design can help us be more accurate. To grasp the development direction of artificial intelligence. This research starts with the concept of artificial intelligence, clarifies the value of artificial intelligence in art design, explores the specific application of artificial intelligence in art design, and looks forward to future development prospects.

Key Words:Artificial intelligence; art design; application; outlook