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单位:武汉工程大学...     作者:范蓓,韩琦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-17

摘 要:本文对在人工智能时代的人体健康问题进行分析,通过中国传统健康观,《周易》、老子、《黄帝内经》等中对人的心理和生理健康进行分析,并找到核心观念。探寻将“天人合一”、健康养生的思想与现代设计方法原则结合运用。总结人工智能时代下产品设计以智能养生设计和“天人合一”的绿色设计为主要方向。同时,中国传统健康观也可以为人工智能时代下的产品设计提供指导和依据。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper analyze human health problems in the era of artificial intelligence, analyze the psychological and physical health of people through the traditional Chinese concept of health, Zhouyi, Laozi, and Chinese health concept, and find the core concepts. Exploring the combination of the idea of "Heaven and Man", the meridian and the ruling, and the principle of modern design methods are used to solve depression, chronic diseases and anxiety in modern health problems. The principles of personalized health design, green design principles, and intelligent health design principles were summarized.The traditional Chinese concept of health provides the basis for the construction of healthy design theory.

Key Words:The era of artificial intelligence; health product design; traditional Chinese health concepts