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单位:泰州学院     作者:王望峰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-09

摘 要:在字体设计的课程教学中,传统汉字字型的手绘临写训练处于一种低效又不能放弃的尴尬境地。本质上这个模块的教学重心在于训练对字体元素空间关系的处理把握,实际它完全可以使用电脑工具作为训练手段。为此而设计开发的“结字”软件,以软件训练方式取代了以往的手绘临写,使传统字型的结体训练在方式、内容、效果方面都有了较大地改观,以高效的方式帮助训练者同样地实现了对字型的“字感”认知。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the teaching of font design, the mode of structural training of Chinese characters by hand is inefficient. In essence, the teaching focus of this module is to train the handling of the spatial relationship of strokes components and it can use computer tools as a training way. For this reason, we developed a "Jiezi"  software, which replaced the previous hand drawn mode, This software has greatly changed the training method, training content and training effect and helped the trainers acquire the cognition of "Sense of character" of Chinese characters in an efficient way. 

Key Words:Font design; Structuring of Chinese character; Training software