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单位:深圳职业技术学院     作者:刘传兵,金海     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-09

摘 要:本文通过系统地梳理OBE模式的理念和方法,并对应笔者在工业设计专业的《产品专题设计》课程的实施过程中的能力体系、学习成果及其衡量标准、效果评价等课程实施办法,形成了一套可以付诸实施的项目化实施方案。该课程实施方案具备立足于项目引领、注重过程、强调个体纵向进度、淡化学生之间的横向比较等特点。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper systematically comb OBE model ideas and methods of and the corresponding author in the industrial design major of "product design project" curriculum ability in the process of the implementation of the system, learning outcomes and its measure, effect evaluation and curriculum implementation method, developed a implementation method of project can be put into practice. The curriculum implementation plan has the following characteristics: based on project guidance, focusing on process, emphasizing individual longitudinal progress, and desalting horizontal comparison among students.

Key Words:OBE; Product design; Project; Implementation plan