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以价值共创为中心的儿童医疗服务设计研究 ——以“口袋儿科” APP设计为例

单位:中南大学     作者:关志宇,邹涛,时昀     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-09

摘 要:随着信息技术的发展,消费者角色日益变化,他们不仅能够自主获得企业和产品的相关信息,在选择过程中更加积极主动,而且形成了越来越紧密的内部联系。与此同时,面临社会对儿童医疗服务不断增加的需求量和要求,医院需要将经营理念从传统的以“疾病”和“医院”为中心转向以“服务”和“患者”为中心,首先,关注患方需求,与患方共同创造价值。对此,本文从价值共创理论入手,对医患互动中的价值共创要素进行分析;其次,通过问卷调查发现服务缺口;最后,针对服务缺口提出相应设计策略,并通过项目实践作出验证。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of information technology, the roles of consumers are changing. They can not only make more active choices by independent access to information about enterprises and products, but also form a more and more close internal connection. Meanwhile, hospitals need to shift their business philosophy from the traditional focus on "diseases" and "hospitals" to the focus on "services" and "patients", pay attention to patients' needs, and create value together with patients, facing the increasing demands of the society for children's medical services. Starting with the theory of value co creation, we analyze the elements of value co-creation in doctor-patient interaction, and find out the service gap through questionnaire survey. Then we design strategies on the service gap, and verified by the project practice.

Key Words:value co-creation; children’ s medical; service design