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单位:湖北大学艺术学院     作者:汤晨曦,刘卷     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-10

摘 要:出土于随州市曾侯乙墓中的青铜器建鼓铜座被誉为春秋战国时期青铜铸造的巅峰之作,作为一个乐器附件,它造型精美、纹饰复杂、形态灵动、气势雄浑、铸造技法高超。本文以建鼓铜座为研究对象,结合现存鼓座的造型方式和特点分析其历史渊源、造型特点和功能结构,并解读楚文化背后所蕴含的自由浪漫、生命运动的美学观与艺术法则。


中图分类号:J632 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The bronze drum and bronze pedestal unearthed in the tomb of Zeng Houyi in Suizhou city is known as the peak work of bronze casting in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. As an instrument accessory, it has exquisite shape, complex decoration, flexible shape, powerful momentum and superb casting techniques. This paper takes the construction of the bronze drum seat as the research object, analyzes its historical origin, modeling characteristics and functional structure in combination with the existing modeling methods and characteristics of the drum seat, and interprets the free romantic, life movement aesthetics and artistic principles behind its Chu culture.

Key Words:Zeng Huiyi's tomb; Building drum bronze base; Modelling; Functional structure