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单位:华北理工大学     作者:许慧清     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-10

摘 要:清代徽州木雕通常以直观、统一和活泼的构图形式表达一个完整的故事,产生灵动、欢乐的视觉感受。本文通过对三种构图形式进行阐述:中心主体式构图能够直观、鲜明地突出人物的欢喜形象;向心对称式构图使画面达到集中和谐的艺术效果,营造出亲近祥和的氛围;曲线动态式构图具有流动性和活泼性,容易渲染出欢快、活泼的氛围。


中图分类号:J528 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Huizhou woodcarving in the Qing Dynasty are usually in the form of visual unity and lively composition to express a complete story, clever and the feeling of joy together main there are three kinds of composition form, the center main body type composition can intuitive sharp prominent characters and image; By making the picture achieve the artistic effect of concentration and harmony, the centripetal symmetrical composition creates an atmosphere of closeness and joy. Curvilinear dynamic composition has the fluidity and the vivacity, easy to render a lively atmosphere.

Key Words:huizhou wood carving; composition form; center type; composition; centripetal type; composition curve; dynamic type