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单位:西南科技大学...     作者:王彦,程鲲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-10

摘 要:格式是传统民间艺术形式的重要特征,但其创新发展却很少。简单地提取不能满足其在现代美学中的扩展和发展。通过一种更好的翻译设计方法对维吾尔族纹样进行创新,改进传统结构,以满足当前对美学的要求。通过对新疆维吾尔族传统纹样的分析,明确其典型特征,提取核心纹样图案作为初始模型,利用形状文法生成新的纹样设计方案。基于形状文法的传统纹样再设计,既保留了传统纹样的基因特征,又创新性地挖掘了其遗传因素,为传统纹样在现代文化中的转型提供了巨大的创新设计源泉和方法。新疆维吾尔族纹样再设计实验,论证了其方法的可行性和有效性。 


中图分类号:J51 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Pattern is an important feature of traditional folk art form, but its innovative evolution is very poor, simple extraction can not meet its dissemination and development in modern aesthetics. This paper extracts a translation design method which is suitable for the patterns, so that the traditional patterns can better meet the aesthetic needs of The Times. Through the analysis of Xinjiang Uyghur traditional patterns, the typical characteristics are clarified, the core pattern is extracted as the initial model, and a new pattern design scheme is generated using shape grammar. The redesign of traditional patterns based on shape grammars not only retains the genetic characteristics of traditional patterns, but also creatively excavates its genetic factors, providing a huge source of innovative design and methods for the transformation of traditional patterns in modern culture.The feasibility and effectiveness of the method are proved by the experiment of xinjiang uygur nationality pattern design.

Key Words:Uygur pattern; Shape grammar; Innovation; design