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单位:云南艺术学院...     作者:尤雅玲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-10

摘 要:凤鸟纹是我国传统文化中的经典装饰纹样,它的形象被人类赋予了美好的寓意,是吉祥、幸福的化身,它所蕴含的艺术魅力和美学价值对现代设计产生了极大的影响。本文从凤鸟纹的起源出发,探析凤鸟纹的特点和象征性,总结出它在不同历史时期的艺术价值和文化内涵,并论述凤鸟纹在现代设计中的不同表现与运用。从各个设计领域中的凤鸟纹应用中探究凤鸟纹的价值和含义。


中图分类号:J522 文献标识码:A


Abstract:phoenix pattern is a classic decorative pattern in Chinese traditional culture. Its image is endowed with a good moral by human beings, and it is the embodiment of auspiciousness and happiness. Its artistic charm and aesthetic value have a great impact on modern design. Starting from the origin of phoenix pattern, this paper analyzes the characteristics and symbolism of phoenix pattern, summarizes its artistic value and cultural connotation in different historical periods, and discusses the different performance and application of phoenix pattern in modern design. From the phoenix application in various design fields to explore the  the value and meaning of phoenix patterns.

Key Words:Phoenix bird patterns; Application; Modern design