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单位:绍兴职业技术学院     作者:倪世明     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-10

摘 要:地域文化是打造绍兴乡土品牌的宝贵资源,有助于品牌的创设与传播,增强品牌的文化内涵和知名度。本文以崇仁豆腐皮为例,探讨乡土品牌创设与地域文化的关系,同时从产品的命名、标志设计和产品包装等展开设计实践,尝试通过品牌创设形成豆腐皮地域品牌影响力,更好地促进销售,有效助推乡村产业振兴。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Regional culture was a precious resource to build local brand of shaoxing, which was conducive to the creation and dissemination of the brand, enhancing the cultural connotation and popularity of the brand. Taking chongren skin of soya-bean milk as an example, this paper discusses the relationship between local brand creation and regional cultural, and carries out design practice from product naming, LOGO design and product packaging, trying to form regional brand influence of tskin of soya-bean milk through brand creation, better promote sales, and effectively boost the revitalization of rural industry.

Key Words:Regional culture; Local brand; Chongren skin of soya-bean milk; Brand creation