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单位:华南理工大学     作者:许宏旗     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-10

摘 要:“事”与“理”是设计事理学中的两个关键字,设计“事理”是将设计行为看作协调内外部元素关系,并将最优化利用外部资源的过程,从系统的角度提供问题解决方案。而在服务设计中,亦不是单一“物”的设计,整个过程影响因素复杂,需要充分考虑外部环境并利用,与事理学中的“事”“理”有异曲同工之处。本文通过对服务设计原则和设计方法中事理学的运用进行深入分析,阐述两种理论有机结合的思路,让二者能够相互促进,共同发展。


中图分类号:J02 文献标识码:A


Abstract:"Things" and "reason" are two keywords in design ethics. Design "reason" is to regard design behavior as coordinating the relationship between internal and external elements, and to optimize the use of external resources, and provide questions from a system perspective. solution. In service design, it is not a single "thing" design. The influencing factors of the whole process are complicated. It is necessary to fully consider the external environment and use it. It is similar to the "thing" and "reason" in philosophy. This article analyzes the application of the principles of service design and the method of affair in the design method, and elaborates the organic combination of the two theories, so that the two can promote each other and develop together.

Key Words:Service design; Matter of science; Systematic