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单位:鲁迅美术学院     作者:王愫     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-10

摘 要:我国北方地区气候与地形特殊,冬季时长,降雪频率高,且降雪量大,除雪需要消耗大量的人力、物力资源,目前北方地区清理积雪还在使用原始的处理方式和传统的除雪设备。本文通过对目前市场现有除雪设备的工作流程和处理方法进行分析,细致深入的对三大除雪方式和功能进行比较、对比、分析优缺点。掌握一切可能性智能化因素,设计出了结合智能化、自动化以及多功能的除雪产品,有效的解决了针对极端暴雪天气下的积雪导致的交通堵塞问题,利用外观和灵活性相结合解决了狭窄路面除雪设备无法正常工作的问题,以及功能系统化在节能环保和城市路面美观上起了很大作用。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The northern region of China has a special climate and terrain, with a long winter, a high frequency of snowfall, and a large amount of snowfall, which requires a large amount of human and material resources to clear the snow. At present, the northern region is still using the original processing methods and traditional snow removal equipment. This paper analyzes the working process and processing methods of the existing snow removal equipment in the market. At the same time, it compares, compares and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the three snow removal methods and functions. Master of all possibilities intelligent factors, designed the intelligent, automation and multi-functional snow removal products, effectively solve the snow for blizzard weather extremes caused by traffic congestion, the use of combination of appearance and flexibility in solving the problems of the narrow road snow removal equipment cannot work normally in energy conservation and environmental protection and urban road beautiful plays a big role.

Key Words:snow sweeper design; intelligent factors; systematic design