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单位:中原工学院     作者:付晓莉,赵云     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-10

摘 要:文章阐述格式塔心理学中图底关系原理、简化原则、完形原则、异构同质原理在产品外观设计中的具体应用。格式塔心理学有助于设计师掌握人类视觉系统感知规律,把握用户视觉对产品的认知,从而根据用户认知习惯、心理模式等构建各设计要素之间的关系,进而提高用户对产品设计意图的理解,为设计者更好地进行产品外观设计提供策略。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article describes the specific application of the principle of figure-base relationship, simplification principle, cloze principle, heterogeneity and homogeneity principle in Gestalt psychology in product appearance design. Gestalt psychology helps designers master the perception of the human visual system and grasp the user's visual perception of the product, so as to build the relationship between the various design elements according to the user's cognitive habits, psychological models, etc., and thereby improve users' product design Understanding of intentions provides strategies for designers to better design their products..

Key Words:Gestalt; Psychology; appearance design; visual system