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单位:伦敦大学学院     作者:于博远     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-10

摘 要:本文以建筑的空间关系为研究对象,从建筑的积极空间与消极空间角度切入,并基于唯物主义对立统一的辩证规律,分析建筑中的积极空间与消极空间的对立统一关系,找出并解决建筑空间中积极空间与消极空间的不平衡,不兼容等矛盾性问题。以期为建筑师提供一种“形而上”的设计思维,并达到建筑积极空间与消极空间关系的相对平衡统一。


中图分类号:TU2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article takes the spatial relationship of architecture as the research object, cuts in from the perspective of the positive space and negative space of the building, Analyze the unity of opposites between positive space and negative space in architecture. Contradictory issues such as imbalance and incompatibility between positive space and negative space in space. It is expected to provide architects with a "metaphysical" design thinking and achieve a relatively balanced and unified relationship between the positive space and negative space of the building.

Key Words:Architecture; Positive space; Negative space; Unity of opposites; Spatial relationship