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单位:1.中国汽车技...     作者:鞠伟男1,2,刘丽萍1,温泉1     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:随着汽车技术的发展及消费者对车辆安全性、舒适性要求的提高,HMI设计的重要性越来越高,眼椭圆是HMI设计的重要工具之一。当前,国内汽车行业人机工程设计大都采用美国汽车工程师协会(SAE)的规范体系,经过分析研究,SAE眼椭圆与中国人体眼椭圆相比有较大差异。本文科学选择样本及样车,共采集4000余样本眼点数据,运用统计学分析得到符合中国人体特征的眼椭圆,并与SAE眼椭圆进行对比分析,得到相关结论,支持汽车的HMI设计。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of automobile technology and the improvement of consumers' requirements for vehicle safety and comfort. HMI design is becoming more and more important. Ellipse is one of the important tools in HMI design. At present, most of the domestic automotive company's ergonomic design adopts the SAE standard system. After analysis and research, there is a big difference between SAE Ellipse and Chinese Ellipse. We choose samples and test car scientifically, collected more than 4000 eye point data. According to the Chinese human body characteristics, We used statistical analysis to get Ellipse. And compared with the SAE eye ellipse, the relevant conclusions are obtained, which support the HMI design of the car.

Key Words:Ellipse; Chinese human body characteristics; HMI; Design suggestion