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单位:广东工业大学...     作者:张晓晨,惠兰心,姚小玉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:人工智能已逐步支撑、融入或嵌入设计过程。为设计人才提供人工智能基础知识与人工智能设计实践的教育机会,对提升教育质量和人才竞争力都有极大帮助。文章探讨了设计学特色人工智能基础教育对设计学科发展和设计教育发展的必要性和可行性,并从九个方面解析了其不同于传统人工智能教育的实践途径选择。为切合设计学科师资和生资特色,规避教育资源浪费,文章讨论了设计学特色人工智能教育构建的潜在风险和应对策略。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Artificial intelligence has gradually supported, integrated, or embedded the design process. Providing educational opportunities for design talents with basic knowledge of artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence design practices will be of great help to improve education quality and talents competitiveness. The article explores the necessity and feasibility of artificial intelligence basic education with design characteristics for the development of design disciplines and design education, and analyzes its practice approach choice different from traditional artificial intelligence education from nine aspects. In order to meet the characteristics of teachers and students in design disciplines, and avoid waste of educational resources, the article discusses the potential risks and coping strategy of artificial intelligence education construction with design characteristics.

Key Words:Artificial intelligence; Design characteristics; Knowledge building; Intelligent design; College education