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单位:湖南工业大学...     作者:张弘韬,湛馨     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:随着信息技术的发展,MOOC的兴起引发大规模的教学改革,为了培养出适应时代需求的艺术设计类专业人才,文章分析了高校设计类专业教学的现状与问题,阐述了高校设计类专业MOOC教学质量保证体系的构建的意义,提出了MOOC教学质量保证体系的构建途径,从媒体技术、课程资源、师资力量、课程管理等方面探讨,形成较完整的质量保证体系,推动MOOC教学与传统艺术教育的良好融合及可持续发展。


中图分类号:G642.0 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of information technology, the rise of MOOC has led to large-scale teaching reforms. In order to cultivate art design professionals who meet the needs of the times, the article analyzes the current status and problems of college design major teaching, and elaborates MOOC of college design major. Significance of the construction of a teaching quality assurance system, and put forward a way to build a MOOC teaching quality assurance system, from the aspects of media technology, curriculum resources, teachers, curriculum management, etc., to form a more complete quality assurance system to promote MOOC teaching and traditional arts Good integration of education and sustainable development.

Key Words:Universities; Design majors; MOOC; Teaching quality; Construction