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单位:深圳技术大学...     作者:邓威     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:基于SCL(Student Centered Learning)教育理念在本科教学中的研究,探索工业设计专业教学新思路。阐述了SCL理念的特征和在工业设计专业教学中的应用必要性,并具体从课程学情分析、课程设计实施、课程评估三方面系统论述了设计表现课程教学改革的措施和方法,为工业设计专业教学改革提供应用示范。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the research of SCL philosophy in the undergraduate teaching, this paper explores the new thinking of industrial design teaching. SCL philosophy and the necessity of its application in the teaching of industrial design specialty, and systematically discusses the measures and methods of the teaching reform of design performance course from the three aspects of the analysis of the students;, course design and evaluation, so as to provide application demonstration for the teaching reform of industrial design specialty.

Key Words:The philosophy concept of SCL; Industrial design major; Teaching reform; “Design performance” course