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单位:桂林理工大学...     作者:张靖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:立体构成是艺术设计课程中的一门重要的设计基础理论课程,同时又是操作性很强的实践课程。本文通过阐述立体构成中的形态元素,即空间线条、三维面、几何形体、有机形体等元素以及这些形态元素的多层次上的组合规律。深入理解这些元素的内涵和组合关系以及熟练的进行组合实践。希望为以后的设计课程打下良好的基础。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Three-dimensional composition is an important basic theory course in art design course, and it is also a practical course with strong operability. Bentong expounds the morphological elements in the three-dimensional composition, that is, elements such as spatial lines, three-dimensional faces, geometric shapes, organic shapes, and the multi-level combination rule of these morphological elements. Indepth understanding of the connotation and combination of these elements, as well as skillful combination practice. Hope to lay a good foundation for future design courses.

Key Words:Three-dimensional composition; Morphological elements; Combination rule; Design