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单位:湖北艺术职业...     作者:代文毅     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:艺术高职院校设计专业的传统毕业设计模式存在设计选题与企业需求脱节,忽视培养学生团队协作设计能力不足的问题。因此,艺术高职院校应基于产教融合平台对设计专业毕业设计模式进行创新,构建跨专业方向的协同毕业设计模式。当前艺术高职院校设计专业的产教融合平台还需通过引进更多的学校和企业来做大做强,以此为学校和学生提供涵盖更多专业方向的毕业设计项目,基于此,本文通过对艺术高职院校设计专业毕业设计模式进行调研分析,并在此基础上以平台培养、设计项目、质量控制和评价体系改革新的创新模式,为企业提供专业门类更为齐全的学生设计团队。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The traditional graduation design mode of design major in Art Higher Vocational College has some shortcomings, such as the disjoint between design topic selection and enterprise demand, and the neglect of training students' ability of team cooperation design. Therefore, based on the integration platform of industry and education, higher vocational colleges of art should innovate the graduation design mode of design major, and construct the collaborative graduation design mode of cross professional direction. At present, the industry education integration platform of design major in art vocational colleges needs to be expanded and strengthened by introducing more schools and enterprises, so as to provide more professional direction of graduation design projects for schools and students. Based on this, this paper makes an investigation and analysis of the graduation design mode of design major in art vocational colleges, and on this basis, trains, designs projects and quality through the platform The new innovation mode of quantity control and evaluation system reform provides enterprises with more complete student design teams of professional categories.

Key Words:art; Higher vocational college; graduation project; mode; innovation