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单位:吉林艺术学院     作者:杜娟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:随着我国市场经济的飞速发展,人们对于产品设计的要求也正逐渐提高,以往人们对于产品设计好坏的评价主要依据产品的实用性,而现今越来越关注产品的设计效果。在产品设计中,消费者的消费心理起到愈发重要的作用,而以消费者心理感受为主要内容的设计心理学将应用于产品设计中已然成为了大势所趋。故此,本文将探讨设计心理学在产品设计中的应用。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:with the rapid development of the market economy in China, people's requirements for product design are also gradually improving. In the past, people's inspection of product design is mainly based on the practicality of products, but now more and more attention to the design effect of products. In product design, consumer psychology plays a more and more important role, and it has become an irresistible trend that design psychology with consumer psychology as the main content will be applied to product design. Therefore, this paper will discuss the application of design psychology in product design.

Key Words:Design psychology; Product design; application